Accent on Speech
Just some of the blog topics here. Scroll through for many more! Who I am / How to start a program / What to look for in a speech & voice trainer / Improving communication in the workplace / Performance evaluations/ Getting support at work/ Being proactive/ Get to the point / Business communication skills / Surprising stats on business and communication / Global communication / Diverse teams/ Online meetings / Having better meetings / "Soft" skills / Communication skills in engineering / Intonation: being a dynamic speaker / Podcast: The Modern Manager takeaways / Stuttering / Women's voices /Silencing Women's Voices/ Diversity and communication / Diverse talent /Habit changing / Mindset for accent work / Accent Issues / Becoming a "different" person / Why and when should I change the way I speak? / It's never too late to change / English is crazy (a poem) and Tough pronunciations / Nonverbal accents / Numbers, pronunciation* / The "w" sound / The "y" sound / The "th" sound / Stress in English / Japanese accent issues & Learn one / Japanese business etiquette / Telephone talk / Why we sound the way we do / What a voice tells people / Your brand / Talking about voice / Effective voice / I like that voice! / Don't be a boring speaker / Finding the right voice / Professional voice / Playing your role/ Speech, voice and identity / Speak from your gut / Hot drinks and vocal hygiene / Mental Health Issues / Talk to the animals / How your voice impacts your life / Dealing with fear / Communication goal overwhelm / Singing: what it can do for you / Speak-Singing/ Nasal voice / Pausing / Umm, what about those filler words?
When You're Unhappy at Work...
The Challenges of Finding Your Professional Voice
On Changing Voice and Speech Habits
Does My Voice Sound Nasal?
Finding The Right Voice For The Job
How to Address Communication Skills in an Employee Evaluation
A Reminder to Employees and Managers
Get to the point!
How to Become a More Dynamic Speaker: Free pdf and audio