Group Classes
To reduce your accent
Looking for a breakthrough in your English fluency and greater confidence with communication, in general? Feel like you're stagnating a bit? This is a great opportunity to invest in yourself, professionally and personally. Having excellent communication skills is imperative when competing in a tough economy. I'll help you address the subtle or not-so-subtle issues that may be keeping you back or preventing you from going after and getting what you want and deserve. It's an accent, yes, but there's more to it...
For speakers of English as second language who wish to:
- Address speech sound, intonation and mindset issues that can transform your speech
- Experience a greater comfort and freedom in speaking English
- Increase confidence in both social and professional speech settings
- Benefit from a SMALL group with LOTS of practice, personalized attention and materials, support, and continuous feedback, as well as check-ins after your program.
You can buy all the online courses you want, read all the books, and watch all the videos... but you WON'T get the results you're looking for without real practice, expert guidance, amazing support, and personalized materials and feedback. These classes REALLY make a huge difference for people, in both their professional and personal lives.
*From July 1-August 31, 2024, the price of an evaluation will be reduced from $680 to $520.
Find out if it's right for you by scheduling a free consultation.

The next small group class will be starting in September, 2024.
(You can also always reach out to me with YOUR OWN groups!)
Contact me for more information, to speak, or to register for the class.
Limited to FIVE people. Classes meet 8 times on Mondays* at 6:30 PM EST on Zoom.
Eight 60-minute sessions 6:30 pm EST. Note: If you need to miss a class--don't worry! The class will be recorded and sent to you right after the class. You'll also receive the exercises and be provided feedback on your practice recordings for the skills addressed during that session. Any notes or other recordings will also be shared. Also, with such a small group, re-scheduling of sessions is possible! Since this is a small group, the dates or times for the class can be changed; for example, if there are specific holidays or other issues that arise for a few group members, we can change a class to an agreed-upon date or time.
Classes will take
Group classes address the sounds and issues that are most relevant to the participants in the group. Consonant, vowel, and
Each participant will receive individualized video recordings of the words and names they are most challenged by. You will have the benefits of 1:1 expert knowledge and advice, in addition to feedback on your practice mid-week and carryover suggestions related to your issues. You'll also receive the benefits of group interaction, discussion and support, helping you gain even greater insight and confidence in your journey to becoming a stronger and more effective communicator in all aspects of your life.
Truly, this class can be a life-changer for many!
What's Included?
- Audio and print materials, as well as personalized MP3s that address each group member's difficult sounds, issues, and words. Some videos tailor made for YOUR specific issues.
- Weekly feedback (between sessions) to make sure you are on the right track.
- An opportunity to practice new skills through engaging activities, like answering questions, offering opinions, reading aloud, conversation, presenting, and role play.
- An opportunity to interact and practice with real human beings, which is what you want!
- A supportive environment that encourages your individual growth and self-development.
- An improved sense of confidence in your speaking abilities after completion!
- You can't predict all the ways that your life may improve when you have greater understanding, control, and joy in your self-expression.
**Prior to the class beginning, each participant will schedule a 15-minute Zoom call with me, take a screener (involves making a short recording), and fill out a questionnaire, which will provide me with your basic speech patterns, needs and goals for the class. A unique syllabus will be created, based on the group members' goals. Every session will address your needs and goals--I promise you.
You may also opt to take a more in-depth evaluation before the class, which there is a fee for, but may prove very beneficial to you. It includes a 60-minute meeting to discuss your speech, voice, and communication as it is now and the goals you have for your program. An initial consultation/conversation--by phone or preferably on Zoom is the first step... So, what are you waiting for? Also, there is NO pressure to take the class if you just want to learn about it. I truly want what's best for every person.
Contact Us for more information.

What is the difference between an evaluation and a screener?
Summer Discount on Evaluations!
An evaluation is a very thorough assessment of your speech sound patterns, intonation, voice, and grammatical patterns, and also addresses any other communication issues that are unique to you. It is based on an analysis of your speech samples and interview. A written report of your speech patterns is generated from the evaluation for you to keep and use. Next, we meet for a 60-minute 1:1 session to discuss your communication needs and goals for a program (either in person or online). There is a fee for the evaluation. When taking the group class, you may choose to take the free screener or opt for the full evaluation.
The evaluation involves a short interview, a questionnaire, and sending in a few recordings, which involves saying words and sentences, reading aloud, and speaking spontaneously. After a written report and analysis are generated, we discuss your goals either in person or online, and I answer any questions you have. You receive a detailed report of your speech and communication patterns and a clear path for what to focus on and how. You leave with a LOT more knowledge and insight and the confidence in knowing the steps you need to take to become an awesome, clear, confident speaker. Some people just take the evaluation and then do the rest of the work on their own.
For the online screener, you are directed to speak some words aloud, read, and speak spontaneously. It provides me with a basic blueprint of your speech, voice, and communications issues, and helps direct the course of your program.
Find out if it's right for you by scheduling a free consultation.